Monday, June 23, 2014

The "B" Word & NOT the One You're Thinking


oc·cu·pa·tion·al haz·ard [noun]

an occupational hazard is something unpleasant that you may suffer or experience as a result of doing your job or hobby
Getting hurt is an occupational hazard of dating. Sometimes dating feels like a job or more like a never ending job interview. I suppose I'm in the minority when it comes to the initial Q&A of getting to know someone. I'm less concerned with what you do and more concerned with who you are which makes my approach vastly different from the men I've recently encountered. We present a snapshot of ourselves not only in our bio & photos but also in the minute details (i.e. height, body type, religion, etc). That snapshot should give you enough to know wether or not you want to know more about me. 

One more thing, before I get to the "b" word I'm referring to. Why is it when I write an online suitor I never get a response? Oh, that's right it's a cruel, cruel world. Which seems like the best segue way to to the issue at hand, men suck. Okay I'm referring to one man in particular, Aidan. I know, right? Well here's the good news I'm done. Not like "he's a nice guy, we have fun together, let's just see where this goes" done. I'm "deleted text messages, cried at 2AM, get the fuck over it" done. 

The first step to getting the fuck over a man should involve the delete button. No matter how hard it is, like when he when he made all this effort to see me when he got back from New York, told me how much he liked taking me out or once even went so far to tell me that I was amazing. You know what else he told me? I had beautiful eyebrows. PS-I do. Who gets all hot n' bothered from that, me--that's who. It was each one of those things led me to believe something that was never going to happen would happen. We were NEVER going to be together because it's NEVER what he wanted. I'm a dumbass. 

Wanna know what finally got me here? We hadn't spoke in about two weeks and when I asked him how he was he said busy. There we have it the "B" word, B-U-S-Y. He was working a lot & had even gone to Miami. I could just be making a big deal out of nothing but let's just put it all out there, how little does he think of me on a scale of 1-10. Were you thinking 11 too? I mean he got on a plane! At least the last time he did that he told me. Maybe telling me was a fluke and he was just feeling generous. Imagine one four letter word having that effect, busy. I call bullshit & say that we make the time for things & people that matter. In short, I don't matter. I get it. Finally.


V.V. Browne

PS-Aidan sucks but what sucks more is seeing something that reminds me of him.

PPS-Busy my ass!

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